Sunday, May 23, 2010


A country named Haiti have been suffering for a long time. There have been a lot of violated rights around the countries, violating rights can affect the country especially when most of the people were violating it, rules were not followed, then the country would just worsen as time goes on. Even the child rights were violated, for example, most of the children in Haiti couldn't attend school because they couldn't afford to attend it, and not many babies gets vaccinations which can spread viruses to other people and start to worsen the country, and many children were sent to another people who says that they will take care of them, but all they did was make them work to get money and eat but no education as the parents hoped. Part of the country was hit by an earthquake. Some people were already suffering before the earthquake happened, some people didn't have any jobs which leads their family to hunger. It is said that Haiti had became the first black-led republic. It was also said that Haiti was the poorest country in America. The country was in poverty for decades, the environment around the country is worsen which can lead to sickness to the citizens. Many kinds of viruses and sickness was in affecting the people, such as malaria, HIV, Diarrhea, diabetes, heart disease and tuberculosis. Only 40% if the population of Haiti was provided a clean water.

An earthquake as strong with a magnitude of 7.0 had hit Haiti. They are now eventually starting to suffer more to survive. Clean water were not even as easy as we could have. Many people were amputated after the earthquake, even the doctors were worried that they all would die without proper rehabilitation, 43 out of all 59 hospitals in Haiti is functioning, and doctors are having difficulties handling the health services. The most important requirement for Haiti now is the foods followed by water sanitation and hygiene. International organisation for migration (IOM) have said that 692,000 people are now living in tents with 591 camps in Port-au-prince. IOM had 10,000 tents stored in Haiti before the earthquake, and they had reached over 30,000 tents to be used by the refugees. IOM also had estimated to add 100,000 more family sized camps to be sent to Haiti for other 500,000 people to be housed.
For Haiti to be rebuilt, they estimated that they need about billions of dollars for houses and other buildings to be reconstructed and that is only for Port-au-Prince. More than 1 million people are having their worst time for not getting enough food to survive, the require of food in Haiti was more than $246 million. Helpers are trying to get food from the local markets, but they are still re-opening from the earthquake which will take a lot amount of time to get their things, so the WFP had to give them only biscuits and other nutrient-rich foods that does not require drinks.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Top Ten most Influential People

Steven Jobs

He made iPods, which changes people's technologies of a music player. And people can listen to music at anytime with his productions.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg made facebook which everyone can access as long as they have e-mail. This changes how people interact with each other and also how they meet new people and people from the past that they might forgotten.

Bill Gates

He made Microsofts. Microsofts has changed technology's usage. People who usually write notes in paper now uses microsoft words. He made a lot of money but he doesn't keep it to himself, he donates more than a million dollars to the poor people.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary was one of the American top diplomat. she had reduced Iran's will to make their nuclear weapons. She brought the job of First Lady into the late 20th century in every other respect. She stands for women, she even said that strong political women has to be a 'lesbian'.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama was the first African-American president of America. Stands up for the African-American people in America. much of his focus has been on attempts to achieve new agreements on nuclear removement and climate change, with his efforts in these areas are progressing.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is a African-American talk show woman who is leading the Oprah Winfrey show. She has given so much inspiration to people all over the world including kids. Oprah has focused on influencing and touching people's lives. She has not let her race affect these goals.

Bill Clinton

The 42nd president of the United States whose second term in office was dominated by scandal. After he retired, he started helping poor people in Africa for a couple of year, he even had other celebrities to come with him and bring the will of these celebrities to help the poor people and donate. He made over 42 million African children to be able to go to school.

James Cameron

James Cameron was the movie producer of avatar, terminators, alien etc. He had made an extraordinaire animation entertainment that people enjoys almost everyone that can afford to watch these movies watches it in the big screen.

Jeffrey Sachs

He called for a complete change in economic policy. He had brought celebrities with him to help the poor people to be helped by them so that they donate to these poor countries. Sachs claims we do not get renewal, mainly because of money abuse that continues to influence both government and business.

Lindsey Vonn

She was the first women to win the overall world cup title, she had came a long way to do this, her action makes inspiration to other women that they all can reach their destinies in a slow progress but effective